Watcher or Doer?


When Jesus cried “Eli, Eli, lama sabachtani” in Matthew 27:46, it was a heart-rending moment. The scriptures were being fulfilled as He quoted Psalm 22:1 and died on the cross. It is also challenging to note the two kinds of responses that characterized those who were present in His time of agony:

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Dear Esteemed Readers, we just wish to join in the business of propagating the Kingdom goal project of God, seeing that the “Harvest is truly great, but the labourers are few”.

Therefore, as we pray the Lord of harvest to send forth labourers into His harvest, we shall be reaching out to people with the gospel of Jesus Christ in this end-time awareness, as there is no much time left before His return to judge the world.

This Blog indeed intends to accommodate, deliver, enlighten, comfort and admonish the entire populace, whether saved or unsaved, in the knowledge of the truth that can only set free, according to the power that is in the Word of God.

Please your suggestions, contributions and comments are highly and richly welcome.


First blog post

“But Seek Ye First The Kingdom Of God, and His Righteousness;  And All These Things Shall Be Added Unto You”. – Matthew 6:33

Beloved! There is urgent need to let the world know about the plan of God in His readiness to blow the trumpet at any moment from now.

Many had left God for the pursuit of material things of this world. Lovers of pleasure have underplayed God’s purpose of creation. God who created everything and declared they were good, did not make any mistake when expressly instructed man to seek the kingdom of God first, and His righteousness; and whatsoever he desires shall be added unto him.

But Greed, Quest for power, Fame, Wealth, Position and Vain glory have caged man in the obscurity of God’s love and sacrifice.

In the light of the foregoing, a lot needs to be done urgently to retrace man back to God as the coming of the Lord Jesus Christ is very much at hand.